Bienvenue! Welcome!
La Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs a comme philosophie d’offrir un développement physique, socio-affectif, moral, langagier et intellectuel à chacun des enfants qu’elle reçoit tout en favorisant son apprentissage de l’autonomie.
Jardin des Fleurs Educational Daycare’s philosophy is to provide physical, socio-emotional, moral, intellectual and language development to each child it receives while promoting their learning autonomy.

Programme Éducatif • Educational Program
L’objectif global du programme éducatif de la garderie est de créer un milieu de vie où l’enfant sera reconnu dans ce qu’il est comme être humain unique, et dans toutes les sphères de son développement.
The overall goal of our educational program is to create an environment where the child is recognized as a unique human being in all aspects of his development.

Le programme éducatif de la Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs est basé sur une approche éducative où l’enfant est libre de faire ses propres choix, à son rythme et selon sa personnalité, dans un milieu structuré et encadré, sans compétition, sexisme, violence et dans le respect des autres et de son environnement. L’enfant est le premier agent de son développement.

The educational program of Jardin des Fleurs Educational Daycare is based on an educational approach where the child is free to make his own choices at his own pace and according to his personality, in a structured and supervised setting, without competition, sexism, nor violence and in respect for others and their environment. The child is the first agent of its development.

Nous soutenons!
We support!
Le 23 Juin 2016, les enfants de Garderie Jardin des Fleurs à Montréal, Québec ont mis sur pied une collecte de fonds en plein air pour vendre leur créations d'artisanat et jouets pour les personnes touchées par l'incendie à Fort McMurray. Les enfants ont passé des semaines avant la vente dans leurs propres classes respectives à fabriquer différents types de bouquets de fleurs à vendre à tout ceux qui passent devant de la garderie. Les enfants plus âgés de la garderie avec l'aide de leurs professeurs ont passé toute leur journée à collecter des dons devant la garderie. Toute la journée les enfants étaient en train de danser et chanter à tous les passants en leur demandant d'acheter leur art à l'appui du désastre à Fort McMurray.
On June 23 2016, children of Garderie Jardin des Fleurs in Montreal, Quebec put together an outdoor fundraiser to sell their homemade crafts and toys for those affected by the wildfire in Fort McMurray. The children spent weeks before the sale in their own respective classes putting together different types of flower bouquets to sell for donation to those who pass the front of the daycare. The children were told about what had happened in Fort McMurray and the older children of the daycare along with the help of their teachers spent their whole day outdoors collecting money from those who passed by. The whole day the children were dancing, singing and shouting to those passing by asking them to buy their art in support of the Fort McMurray wildfire relief.
Témoignages • Testimonials
"Most of us cringe at the idea of handing our child or children over to strangers, especially at such a young, vulnerable age. Personally, it was one of the worst feelings that I've ever felt. I wish that I had a few testimonials from parents experiences with "Jardin Des Fleurs" daycare to read prior to enrolling m son. Honestly, I feel compelled to let other parents know my experiences here. My son started at 13mo's he is now 19mo's. Of course when you visit for the first time, it is very impressive, a house that has been beautifully transformed into a daycare entirely and exclusively for young children. You really have to see it to believe it. It is beyond charming. I immediately knew the owner Tatiana (who I believe designed the entire home) was insightful and conscious of a young child's perception of the world. A few examples, not only is everything organized, but there are a row of cupboards and seats for the children to sit and get dressed/undressed into and out of their outdoor attire (at their height), the bathroom (toilets, sinks have all been built for the height of young children),all rooms are noticably safe-gaurded (padded everything), the large front room where the children spend a lot of time have huge windows, its bright,airy and completely padded. I could go on but said I would only mention a few examples. There is a beautiful 'baby' room dedicated just for the care of young babies, it's so serene (has me thinking of the possibility of another ;-)) I was trying to keep this short but there are a few more important things that are so appreciated, they must be mentioned. My son is served fresh food everyday, fresh fruits, a warm dinner, and an afternoon snack, (as the previous person mentioned chicken and fish are the only two meat proteins served). I know they have a special water filtration system just for the children's drinking water/food prep. I frequently receive emails with the new menu for the week, pictures of my son during his activities or events, upcoming events, themes that are always changing and unbelievably my son has learned so much from, important news such as vaccination info. I love that when I pick him up after work he is so happy. Every child has their own progress book, so everyday I get to read what he did, ex)danced, played, read, ate properly, and how long he napped for, if is toileting was normal. The owner Tatiana is very approachable, as is all of the staff. She seems to be very particular in who she hires. I love the fact that it is an educative daycare. I have so many drawings, paintings, and crafts that he has created and am elated with his abilities and how they continue to improve so rapidly. I like that there is excellent communication between staff and parents and am looking forward to the formation of the parent's committee we have started to create. There is a lot more information I would like to convey, but I have already written so much. So I will end with one of the most meaningful and significant part of my son spending so much time at this daycare. I'm sure many parents would agree that we could spend more time with our children, if not all. I believe many parents when thinking in realistic terms wish their children could spend less hours at a daycare and more hours at home. Jardin des Fleurs shouldn't be referred to as a daycare, it should be called a second home. He wears his slippers, the environment as mentioned before is truly made for their young age group. As much as I miss him while at work I do not stress about him being there, ever. It's been six months, five days a week. My husband and I both work. I feel as though he is in his second, comfortable home. The staff is obviously very well vetted, I appreciate their genuine caring, compassion and awareness. I wish I had something as impartial and honest to read such as this. I'm not perfect, but I consider myself to be an very dedicated mother and I'm sure I love my son beyond words just like every other parent. I'm slightly in disbelief that I don't have any criticism, but they are on point. I couldn't be happier." - Jihan Karim 17/02/2014
Parfois les mots ne suffisent pas pour exprimer toute l'admiration que je ressens pour la Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs.
Il y a deux ans, que ma fille va dans cette garderie. Avec ma fille j’ai visité trois garderies avant de visiter la Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs. Dès que j’ai entré à la Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs ma fille, Sarah m’a dit : "Maman je veux rester ici." J’ai été très contente et en même temps étonné avec décision de ma fille. L’ambiance et le professionnalisme que l'on trouve dans cette garderie sont difficiles de trouver ailleurs.
Ça fait deux mois que j’ai déménagé, mais je continue de ramener ma fille dans la Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs parce que ni elle ni moi on n’aime pas changer cette magnifique garderie. Grace à vous maintenant ma fille parle couramment deux langues française et anglais (plus la langue maternelle à la maison). Merci, merci, merci! - Maman de Sarah, Daniela Catana Décembre 2014
Mon fils fréquente la Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs depuis plus d’un an, et il se sent très bien là-bas. Moi, aussi je suis très satisfaite, le personnel est chaleureux, attentif aux besoins des enfants et aux demandes des parents. De plus les locaux sont bien aménagés, bien entretenus, de toutes les manières que de positif. Je tiens à féliciter la coordinatrice, Dita, elle fait très très bien son rôle, sans oublier les éducatrices (pour leur patience avec moi).
- Maman de Rayan, Fatima 05/06/2015
Par cette lettre, je tiens à saluer la Garderie Éducative Jardin des Fleurs. Cette qualité est caractérisée par l'accueil exceptionnel et chaleureux des gardes d'enfants, le travail immense qu'elles abattent pour éduquer et rendre les enfants joyeux. Je tiens à saluer cet effort et cet investissement à l'égard de l'épanouissement de nos enfants. Je souhaite pleins succès et bonne continuation dans l'excellent dont fait montre notre garderie. Vous avez un personnel hors du commun, et qui prennent leur travail à cœur et avec amour.
- Papa de Derra 24/06/2015
Our son Joshua has been attending Garderie Educative Jardin des Fleurs for two years. He has thrived and grown as well as matured greatly at this Educative Daycare. The educators have been so amazing at teaching and assisting Joshua in his development and education. He has thoroughly enjoyed the daycare and talks highly about his teachers. He loves going every morning to the daycare where he interacts with all the children and made lot of friendships. He also became much more sociable and interested in connecting with other children which was a problem before he started. In the beginning he had troubles connecting with other children which is no longer a problem since he has attended this daycare. He has made great strides and become a very sociable child. Garderie Educative Jardin des Fleurs has prepared him very well for school. We will all miss the staff of Jardin des Fleurs and their professionalism.
- Parents de Joshua, Helene & Harry 15/07/2015
Both my sons attended Garderie Educative Jardin des Fleurs and I couldn’t be happier with the choice I had made. I was very satisfied with the staff and their knowledge in educational learning activities. Every day my children came to the daycare, they were greeted with a warm welcome which made them feel very comfortable. My sons enjoyed their days so much that at the end of the day they wanted to stay longer. The menu not only had variety of different menu options on weekly basis but also all the options were healthy. The backyard even has a large playground where my boys loved to run and play with their friends. Thank you so very much to the staff of Garderie Educative Jardin des Fleurs.
- Maman d'Alexandru et Emil, Ana Crozu 11/08/2015
Nous voudrions remercier les éducatrices, la direction et l'administration de la garderie Jardin des Fleurs pour leur approche et leur attitude envers nos enfants. Dès le début, nous avons adoré le local, l'aménagement et la cour arrière. Aussi, nous avons apprécié le fait que les repas soient préparés sur place.De plus, les enfants font plein d'activités. Chaque jour, on voit du bricolage, des dessins que les enfants ont faits.Les diverses activités que les enfants font, comme la musique, le yoga et les sorties à la bibliothèque chaque semaine, contribuent à leur développement global. Ils ont également rencontré divers invités: les pompiers, la police et un dentiste qui sont venus leur parler. Nous pensons que le fait d'avoir confiance aux membres du personnel de cette belle garderie est la preuve de leur beau travail. Nous sommes contents d'avoir choisi cette garderie pour nos enfants.
- Parents de Ilaria et David, Victoria et Valentin Pascari 03/05/2016